Thursday, January 4, 2018

Here are Some Smart Ways You Can Promote Your Artwork

No matter how great your art is, if you want to be recognized for it you are going to need to promote it. Making sure that your art pieces reach the right audience and potential buyers are key to achieving success. If you don't put the necessary effort to get your work out there, no one will ever be able to tell you how much they love it or purchase a piece.


Promoting your art is not as overwhelming as you might think. All you have to do to ensure an enjoyable experience is take one step at a time. In fact, one of the secrets to a successful promotion is that it is focused on the specific goals you have in mind. Here are some effective ways that you may want to consider to promote your artwork and get recognized in the artistic community.

Online Art Marketplace

There are many art galleries that sell paintings online that offer free membership. As a member of their gallery, you will be able to upload as much artwork as you would like and have your own profile page linked to all your artworks. Becoming a member of these galleries that sell paintings online is completely risk-free and you often can upload your artwork with a price (including shipping) and a great description. Keep note that these galleries tend to charge a commission on all sales on artwork upload by free members.

Social Media

Social Media is essential to becoming big in the artistic community. Posting your art on places like Pinterest and Instagram with the right hashtags can really help promote yourself and your art, making your work extremely relevant not just in your community, but abroad.

Offer Support

Everyone in the art community needs support in order to succeed. One of the greatest ways to ensure that your artwork gets recognized is to help those who are already performing their own exhibitions. This will allow you to develop relationships with the artistic community and meet people. Plus, those that you are helping may feel the need to reciprocate, introducing you to the people that you need to connect with to become a famous artist.

Create a Blog

A blog is a great way to promote your work, to sell your art, and to offer customer support. In other words, there is no better place to connect with potential customers than on your blog. Write about things someone in need of an artist would search for in Google as well as things artists care about. The secret is to make your blog about them, not you.